
Bills In A Rolling Home: Basics

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This is our take and experiences from the last year and I hope if anyone has been wondering about what some of the costs 💰that come with traveling with your family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧are…they get a better idea from this video! Of course everyone’s situations will be different depending on their “rolling home” 🚎and individual needs! But let me know if this helped you out😁

#rollinghome #bills #tinyhouse #buslife #skoolie #travel #wander #billswhiletraveling #rvbills #busbills #getlost #travelingfamily #wanderingfamily #chittybangskoolie

2 responses to “Bills In A Rolling Home: Basics”

  1. Christina Tucker Avatar
    Christina Tucker

    Just found your blog, Lv it! So much information, I have always wondered what/how do you handle the mail? Thank you,


    1. Hello thanks so much for following!! That’s why I do it! I had all the same Q’s! So far we have stayed near friends/family and will have stuff sent there, also we workamped at a campground and they allow all guests to receive mail there. Every rv park we have been at has allowed it. Also where we are now, we know no-one, and it’s not at a tv park or campground so when we got here for our workamp gig oct-dec. We decided to just go into town and pay for a UPS box while we are here. Since we decided to stay longer we just extended it, 3 month increments..cost $50. Otherwise, my parents receive my other mail that comes with being an adult lol like registration, insurance, etc. And they send it to me wherever I am periodically. That’s been working so far anyway:) I may do a vlog on that tho bc it’s a great point to make! We are Amazon fools so we are always ordering stuff!


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