
CANNAB.A.B.E.’s Super Scientific Ranking Structure

We are on the ground floor of figuring out which companies are really the best at providing quality and inexpensive CBD oil for people to use. People choose to use Cannabis and CBD products to get away from the harsh chemicals and pesticides of big pharma and are usually searching or a more natural method to help with their health. Because the industry is so new, I have found many companies that say they have high quality products to only find they have never tested their products or did little testing to prove it is in fact HIGH QUALITY.

Our definition of High Quality is the demand that products and isolates are TESTED for Cannabinoid Profile & Potency, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, and Microbials. We also prefer companies who conduct TRIPLE LAB TESTING from 3rd PARTY Labs. We believe the company should be honest, have easy access to testing results, and efficiently communicate with it’s current and potential customers. We developed a ranking system to use so that you may see why we give certain companies certain stars.

I promise to do my best in giving the most recent information I am given on specific products and companies and that all I do provide has been thoroughly researched. I allow the companies to contact me if they have new testing and I will update accordingly. I also promise to provide any contact information I have on the companies and the labs they used to test.

At the end of each company/product review, I will give my overall ranking based on the results from their above ranking.

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